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Contact Us
Company name / Name:
Allights Kft.
Gál István lakótelep 212. földszint 1., Tatabánya, 2800, Hungary
Personal pick up here:
1132 Budapest, Visegrádi utca 53.
Phone number:
Shop name:
Allights Design Lamp Store
Tax number:
EU VAT number:
Company registration number:
Bank account number:
Contact person name:
Soós Tibor
Contact person´s phone number:
Contact person´s e-mail address:
Personal pickup at our store
Personal pickup at our store
1132 Budapest, Visegrádi utca 53.
Nyitvatartási idő: 12-18 óráig hétköznapokon Z-BOX parcel locker
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
125.73  €
2.49 €
125.74  €
Foxpost parcel lockers
A FOXPOST egy egyszerű, rugalmas, érintkezésmentes és környezettudatos csomagátvételi és -küldési mód. Ha megrendelésed bármely FOXPOST csomagautomata egyikébe kéred, nem kell egész nap a futárra várnod. Az országos, folyamatosan bővülő csomagautomata-hálózat automatái könnyen hozzáférhetőek az ország számos pontján, hol beltérben, hol kültéren, és reggeltől estig elérhetőek. Miután átadtuk a FOXPOST-nak a csomagot, ők 1 munkanap alatt kiszállítják az automatába, majd sms-ben küldenek egy értesítőt és egy egyedi kódot, mellyel 3 napig átveheted. Fontos: az automatáknál csak bankkártyával tudsz fizetni. Csomagodat 14 napon belül a webshop kondíciói szerint visszaküldheted. Ezt bármelyik FOXPOST automatánál egyszerűen megteheted az egyedi csomagátvételi kód újbóli megadásával. Az automaták listáját és további információt itt találsz.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
125.73  €
2.74 €
125.74  €
GLS csomagpont vagy csomagautomata
Igazítsa saját idejéhez a csomagátvételt a GLS Automaták és GLS Csomagpontok segítségével.

A GLS Automaták többsége elhelyezkedésüknek köszönhetően 0-24 óráig rendelkezésére áll. A csomag átvételére az értesítésben szereplő PIN kód megadásával 5 munkanap áll rendelkezésre. Az utánvét kifizetése Automata esetén kizárólag bankkártyával történhet.

GLS CsomagPontok esetén a csomag átvételére érvényes személyi okmány bemutatásával szintén 5 munkanap áll rendelkezésre. A csomagok minden szállítási mód esetében a feladást követő munkanapon kiszállításra kerülnek.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
125.73  €
3.22 €
125.74  €
GLS Házhozszállítás futárszolgálattal
Kiválóan felépített hálózatával gyors és zökkenőmentes csomagszállítást tesz lehetővé, így a csomagok már a feladást követő munkanapon kiszállításra kerülnek.

A hatalmas GLS HUB mellett 89 depó és több mint 2200 futár gondoskodik arról, hogy a csomagok a megfelelő szortírozást követően minél előbb eljuthassanak a címzettekhez. A házhozszállítás mellett 1700 átadópontból (GLS CsomagPontok és GLS Automaták) álló hálózatával a GLS ebben a szegmensben is országos lefedettséget kínál.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
125.73  €
5.00 €
125.74  €
MPL Posta Pontok
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
6.29 €
MPL házhozszállítás
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
6.29 €
CZ Packeta Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
4.47 €
176.04  €
CZ Packeta Z-Point Pickup Points
Minimum dimensions: 10×7×1 cm.
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 120 cm.
Maximum total size of sides: 150 cm (e.g., package dimensions 50×50×50 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with dimensions of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
4.47 €
176.04  €
SK Packeta Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
4.02 €
176.04  €
SK Packeta Z-Point Pickup Points
Minimum dimensions: 10×7×1 cm.
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 120 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 150 cm (e.g., package dimensions 50×50×50 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
4.02 €
176.04  €
BE Belgian Post Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
13.33 €
176.04  €
BE Belgian Post Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
20.75 €
176.04  €
BG Speedy Home Delivery
Minimum dimensions: 10×7×1 cm.
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
9.61 €
176.04  €
BG Econt Box
Minimum dimensions: 10×7×1 cm.
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
9.61 €
176.04  €
BG Econt Pickup Points
Minimum dimensions: 10×7×1 cm.
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
9.61 €
176.04  €
BG Sameday Box
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum dimensions: 80×60×90 cm.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
9.61 €
176.04  €
DK Post Nord Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
13.83 €
176.04  €
DK Post Nord Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
13.83 €
176.04  €
EE Omniva Home Delivery
Minimum dimensions: 10×7×1 cm.
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
11.32 €
176.04  €
EE Omniva Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
11.32 €
176.04  €
EE Omniva Box
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum dimensions: 64×39×38 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
11.32 €
176.04  €
FI Post Nord Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
22.63 €
176.04  €
FI Post Nord Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
22.63 €
176.04  €
FR Colissimo Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
16.09 €
176.04  €
FR Colissimo Pickup Points
Minimum dimensions: 10×7×1 cm.
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
16.09 €
176.04  €
HR Overseas Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
6.52 €
176.04  €
HR Overseas Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
6.52 €
176.04  €
HR Croatian Post Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
6.52 €
176.04  €
IE Fastway Couriers Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
20.12 €
176.04  €
IT Bartolini Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
10.81 €
176.04  €
IT Bartolini Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
10.81 €
176.04  €
LT Lithuanian Post Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
7.89 €
176.04  €
LT Lithuanian Post Box
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum dimensions: 64×39×38 cm.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
7.89 €
176.04  €
LV Omniva Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
17.59  €
9.94 €
17.60  €
LV Omniva Box
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum dimensions: 64×39×38 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
9.94 €
176.04  €
LU Luxembourg Post Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
24.90 €
176.04  €
DE Hermes Home Delivery
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
8.55 €
176.04  €
DE Hermes Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Cash on delivery (COD) is not available with this shipping partner.
Shipments that exceed the stated dimensions may fall into the heaviest specified weight category with a dimension limit of 999 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
8.55 €
176.04  €
NL DHL Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
19.36 €
176.04  €
NL DHL Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
19.36 €
176.04  €
PL Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
5.90 €
176.04  €
PL InPost Paczkomaty Box
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum dimensions: 64×41×38 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
5.90 €
176.04  €
PL Packeta Z-Point Pickup Points
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
5.90 €
176.04  €
PT MRW Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
10.56 €
176.04  €
PT MRW Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
20.12 €
176.04  €
AT DPD Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
6.79 €
176.04  €
RO Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
5.03 €
176.04  €
RO Packeta Z-Point Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 120 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 150 cm (e.g., package dimensions 50×50×50 cm).
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
5.03 €
176.04  €
GR Taxydromiki Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
11.57 €
176.04  €
GR BoxNow Box
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum dimensions: 80×60×90 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
11.57 €
176.04  €
GR ACS Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
14.43 €
176.04  €
SI Express One Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
6.02 €
176.04  €
SI Post Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
6.02 €
176.04  €
SI Post Box
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum dimensions: 80×60×90 cm.
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
6.02 €
176.04  €
ES MRW Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
11.48 €
176.04  €
ES MRW Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
11.48 €
176.04  €
SE Post Nord Home Delivery
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
30.18 €
176.04  €
SE Post Nord Pickup Points
Maximum package weight: 15 kg.
Maximum size of one side: 70 cm.
Maximum total dimensions of sides: 120 cm (e.g., package dimensions 40×40×40 cm).
Order total
Shipping cost
0.00  €
176.03  €
30.18 €
176.04  €
Bankkártyás fizetés TEYA
Bank card payment with BARION
Convenient and safe online payment is provided by Barion Payment Zrt., MNB license number: H-EN-I-1064/2013. Bank card details do not reach our store.
Wire transfer
Information required for identifying the transfer:
Beneficiary name: Allights Kft.
Beneficiary IBAN account number: BE67 9670 1432 9387
Beneficiary's Bank Address - Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
Transfer reference: order number
(which can be found in the confirmation email following the order submission)

If you encounter any issues, please contact us, our staff is ready to assist you.

Your order will be dispatched upon receipt of the payment to our account.
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